Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Sie behauptet: "Ich fahre nie mit dem Auto zur Schule."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Er sagt: "Ich bin noch nie in England gewesen."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Sie sagte: "Ich habe ihn noch nie getroffen."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Alle waren fest der Ansicht: "Es wird sich das Blatt jetzt wenden."
Das Blatt wendet sich: things are taking a turn for the better.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Die Angeklagten gestanden: "Wir schrieben die Briefe gemeinsam."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Autor erläuterte: "Ich habe den Roman innerhalb von nur zwei Monaten geschrieben."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Es verbreitete sich das Gerücht: "Ab sofort gibt es eine Woche mehr Urlaub für alle."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Die Zeitung schrieb: "Wir haben das Wahlergebnis genau vorhergesagt."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Die Aufsichtsräte deuteten an: "So einen Versager werden wir nicht so bald wieder einstellen."
N.B.: change the personal pronoun as well!
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Ich sagte ihnen: "Ich gehe jetzt zurück."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Er gestand: "Ich bringe es nicht übers Herz."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Sie sagte: "Ich mag ihn eigentlich überhaupt nicht."
N.B.: change the appropriate pronoun as well!
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Polizist erwiderte: "Sie sind verhaftet!" ("Sie" = here a female person)
Change the pronoun from 2nd to 3rd person.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Tutor versicherte: "Ich habe nichts gegen Faulenzer."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Künstler sagte: "Ich schlief früher immer bis in den späten Morgen."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Kapitän warnte: "Das Eis kommt immer näher."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Admiral gestand: "Ich kann nicht schwimmen."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Aufseher schalt: "Die Leute müssen sich mehr anstrengen."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Ich erklärte ihm: "Ich habe diese Frau heute zum ersten Mal gesehen."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. Do not use "dass".
Use the "standard rules" for the use of the subjunctive in indirect speech: see Hammer 16.6.2.
Example: Meine Geschwister sagten: "Wir kommen mit." Meine Geschwister sagten, sie kämen mit.
Der Komponist verkündete: "Ich will drei weitere Symphonien schreiben."
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Er sah mich an, als ob ich _________; dabei weiß er doch, dass das ausgeschlossen ist. [mitfahren]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Als ob sie mich je _______ : sie können mich ja nicht ausstehen. [einladen]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
______ diesen frühen Segen | Ach nur Eine Stunde fest! (Goethe) [halten]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Er ist deshalb nicht mitgekommen, damit er dir den Spaß nicht ______; er weiß ja, dass du ihn nicht leiden kannst. [verderben]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
_______ Sie so freundlich sein, mir beim Einsteigen zu helfen? [mögen]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Nicht dass ich mich mit ihm nicht ________, aber es ist vielleicht besser, wenn wir diesmal nicht zusammenarbeiten. [verstehen]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Es gibt niemanden, dem ich ein Vergehen lieber _______, als ihm, wo er doch seit langen Jahren mein Freund ist; aber es geht einfach nicht. [verzeihen]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Keiner, der bei diesem Unglück nicht ______; hier fühlen sich alle betroffen. [mitleiden]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Type in the missing word, using the "Konjunktiv II" form of the verb in brackets.
Hammer 16.7.
Example: Du tust, als ob es damit zu Ende ______ . [sein] You type: wäre (without punctuation).
Es geht zu schnell, als dass sein Misstrauen auf einmal _______. [schwinden]
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
If there were any bugs in the program, or any errors in the exercises, or if you have any other comment, you should inform the course co-ordinator:
Dr K.F. Hilliard
St. Peter's College
The easiest way to communicate with him is by e-mail:
Put in your last name and password to see how you have done.