
Questions 2-14 test the conjugation of the modal verbs: see Hammer 12.2.3. Questions 15-22 test the conjugation of modal verbs in perfect tenses and in subordinate clauses: see Hammer 17.1.2 and 17.1.3. Questions 23-40 test the meaning and use of the modal verbs: see Hammer 17.2-17.7.

  • 1
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Sie dürfen mich nicht unterbrechen. (past)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 2
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Das kann ich nicht wissen. (perfect)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 3
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Er musste damit rechnen. (pluperfect)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 4
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Das müsst ihr ihm überlassen. (pluperfect subjunctive)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 5
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Ich will mich nicht damit befassen. (perfect)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 6
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Sie können die Aufgabe bewältigen. (future)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 7
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Er will sich das nicht gefallen lassen. (future)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 8
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Man muss ihr ihre Grenzen zeigen. (pluperfect subjunctive)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 9
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Er darf sofort nach Hause gehen. (past)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 10
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Ich kann Ihnen wirklich nicht helfen. (pluperfect subjunctive)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 11
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Sie müssen sich schnell auf eine Lösung einigen. (future)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 12
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Er will das Buch nicht haben. (perfect)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 13
  • Rewrite the following sentence in the tense indicated in brackets. Remember the punctuation!

    Er will nicht nach Berlin umziehen. (future)

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 14
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Er musste gehen. Er sagt, dass ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 15
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Man konnte ihm nicht mehr helfen. Es ist klar, dass ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 16
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Das konnte ich nicht schaffen. Ich versichere dir, dass ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 17
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Das sollte schon gestern erledigt werden. Er hat sie zur Eile angehalten, weil ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 18
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Ich wollte ihr zum Geburtstag eine Karte schreiben. Ich bin gestern nicht mehr vorbeigekommen, weil ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 19
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Da konnte man nichts machen. Wir wissen alle, dass ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 20
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Ich musste mir das noch genau überlegen. Ich konnte dir noch keine Antwort geben, weil ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 21
  • Rewrite the first sentence in the perfect tense, turning it into a subordinate clause completing the second sentence. Type in only the missing part of the second sentence. Don't forget the full stop!

    Example: Er wollte ihm schaden. Ich glaube nicht, dass ... You type: er ihm hat schaden wollen.

    Das durfte nicht passieren. Uns allen war klar, dass ...

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 22
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Das dürfte nicht nötig sein.

    That will not be necessary.
    That may not necessary.
    That cannot be necessary.
    That will almost certainly not be necessary.

  • 23
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Das darf man als unwichtig betrachten.

    That may be seen as irrelevant.
    That can be seen as irrelevant.
    That must be seen as irrelevant.

  • 24
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Er muss sich nicht dazu äußern.

    He doesn't have to comment upon that.
    He must not comment upon that.
    He may not comment upon that.

  • 25
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Sie muss nicht allein gewesen sein.

    She was definitely not on her own.
    She wasn't necessarily on her own.
    She did not have to be on her own.

  • 26
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Er darf sich nicht nach uns richten.

    He mustn't do what we want.
    He must do what we don't want.
    He doesn't have to do what we want.
    He may not do what we want.

  • 27
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Das dürfte stimmen.

    That is probably right.
    That must be right.
    That could be right

  • 28
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Du kannst das Examen bestehen.

    You may pass the exam.
    You are able enough to pass the exam.
    You might pass the exam.

  • 29
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Sie kann sich irren.

    She is capable of being wrong.
    She may be wrong.
    It is all right for her to be wrong.

  • 30
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Du kannst das Examen auch nicht bestehen.

    You might not pass the exam.
    You cannot pass the exam.
    You are not able enough to pass the exam.

  • 31
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Niemand hätte so etwas tun können.

    Nobody was willing to do such a thing.
    Nobody would have been able to do such a thing.
    Nobody did such a thing.

  • 32
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Das mag ich nicht mehr hören.

    I may not listen to that any more.
    I can't stand listening to that any more.
    I might not listen to that any more.

  • 33
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Ich möchte fast meinen, daß ich sie kenne.

    I may almost think that I know her.
    I almost think I might have known her.
    I might almost think that I know her.

  • 34
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Er mag heute seine letzte Vorlesung halten.

    He would like to give his last lecture today.
    He may be giving his last lecture today.

  • 35
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Sie mögen bitte einen Moment warten.

    Would you be so kind as to wait a moment.
    They wanted to wait for a moment.

  • 36
  • Match the sentences to the intended meaning of 'sollen'.

    Er soll sich Sorgen gemacht haben.
    Sie soll sofort damit anfangen.
    Von da an sollte es bergab gehen.
    Sollte es keine andere Möglichkeit geben, dann tue ich es.
    Sie sollten lieber den Mund halten.
    Ich sollte damals Bäcker werden.

  • 37
  • Match the sentences to the intended meaning of 'sollen'.

    Sollte das zutreffen, ist die Firma so gut wie erledigt.
    Er sollte doch nächstes Jahr in den Ruhestand.
    Du solltest nicht lügen.
    Du sollst nicht lügen.
    Sie sollte diesen Entschluss noch lange zu bereuen haben.
    Es sollen jetzt zwei gute neue Filme laufen.

  • 38
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Ich will dir gerne glauben.

    I quite believe you.
    I would like to believe you [but I don't...]

  • 39
  • What does, or is the following sentence most likely to mean?

    Er will es gestern gemacht haben.

    He claims he did it yesterday.
    He wishes he had done it yesterday.

    If there were any bugs in the program, or any errors in the exercises, or if you have any other comment, you should inform the course co-ordinator:

    Dr K.F. Hilliard
    St. Peter's College

    The easiest way to communicate with him is by e-mail:

    Put in your last name and password to see how you have done.