Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Man sollte nicht _____ Befehl blindlings Folge leisten. (jeder)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Herr Müller hat ___ beauftragt, ___ vor dem Gericht zu vertreten. (er | er)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Frau Schmidt hat _______ Eindruck gemacht. (ich)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Er hat _______ bis zuletzt beigestanden. (sie [singular])
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Der Patient dankte_______ für die lebensrettende Operation. (die Ärzte)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Alkoholmissbrauch hat ______ ______ ___ ____________ gekostet. (mein Freund | der Führerschein)
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Das geht ____ nichts an. (du)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Es hat keinen Zweck, ___ schmeicheln zu wollen. (er)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Er traute ______ _____ nicht. (seine Augen)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Du schuldest ____ noch ______ __________. (ich | ein Gefallen)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Vertraue ___________ blind, mein Kind. (niemand)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Das Ergebnis entsprach ganz ________ __________. (seine Erwartungen)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Man hat ____ neulich wieder _____ _______ angeboten. (er | eine Stelle)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Sie hat _____ _____ ___________ doch tatsächlich verschwiegen. (ich | diese Neuigkeit)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
____ kann man einfach nicht nachahmen. (Er)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Er sah sich nicht in der Lage, _____ zu widerstehen. (sie [singular])
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Die Jury hat ___ ____________ glatt durchfallen lassen. (der Prüfling)
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Sie nannte ____ einen notorischen Lügner. (er)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
Sie hat _____ von der Tribüne zugelächelt. (ich)
Does the verb govern the accusative or the dative? Supply what is missing with the appropriate form of the word(s) provided. (If there is more than one gap, the words are given in order of the gaps.) Type the relevant words only, without punctuation; do not type in the whole sentence.
____ kann ich nur zustimmen. (Das)
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Das darfst du dir nicht gefallen lassen; du musst dich ____ ihn beschweren.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Das darfst du dir nicht gefallen lassen; du musst dich ____ ihm beschweren. (Mind the difference!)
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Ich beneide ihn ____ seinen Weinkeller.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Hast du Angst ____ Schlangen?
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Sie hatte große Angst _____ ihre Mutter, die allein auf der Straße war.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Eine Zusammenfassung sollte sich ____ das Wesentliche beschränken.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
____ seinen Unterlagen war nicht ersichtlich, ob er schon einmal straffällig geworden war.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Ein Stipendium hängt ganz ____ den Leistungen ab, die man im Studium erbringt.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
_____ Wein und Gesang soll es uns nicht fehlen.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Der Kandidat war _______ jeden Zweifel erhaben.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Unter Bezugnahme ______ ihr Schreiben vom 23. dieses Monats möchte ich Ihnen sehr herzlich für Ihr freundliches Angebot danken.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Es besteht wohl kein Zweifel ______ der Richtigkeit seiner Aussage.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Die Familie fragte den Arzt, wie es ____ den Kranken stehe.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Die Familie erkundigte sich ______ ihm, wie es dem Kranken gehe.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Es stellte sich heraus, dass er ______ einer seltenen Krankheit litt.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Sie hatte offensichtlich Freude ______ diesem schönen Geschenk.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Auch griechische Helden mussten sich ________ ihr Schicksal ergeben.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Ich arbeite bereits seit langem _____ einer neuen Symphonie.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Die Garantieleistung erstreckt sich nicht ______ mutwillige Zerstörung der Anlage.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
Auch sehr kurz vor den Prelims können manche noch _________ ein Wunder hoffen.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Supply the missing preposition to form a prepositional object. (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in the preposition only; do not write out the whole sentence.
____ so etwas habe ich mich noch nie interessiert.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Er bringt mich noch ____ d__ Verstand!
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Ich freue mich seit Wochen ____ mein__ Geburtstag.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Ich interessiere mich sehr _____ dies__ Thema.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Sie macht sich nicht sehr viel _____ ___, obwohl er ihr neuer Freund ist.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Dein Onkel hat _____ di__ gefragt. (Your uncle asked after you.)
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Sie laden uns _____ ein__ Ausflug ein.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Er distanziert sich ausdrücklich _____ dies__ Meinung.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Jetzt ist es _____ ___ geschehen, falls ihm nicht noch jemand hilft!
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Dieser Mann ist gefährlich; du musst dich _____ _____ hüten.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Du kannst mich doch jetzt nicht im Stich lassen! Ich habe mich doch _____ _____ verlassen!
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Ich stimme absolut _____ dies__ Ansicht überein.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
Sie ist total _____ ___ verliebt, obwohl sie ihn früher nicht leiden konnte.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Fill in the appropriate preposition and complete the article, pronoun or adjective in the appropriate case . (See Hammer 18.6.) Type in ONLY THE MISSING words or letters, without punctuation.
_____ ___ wird noch einmal etwas werden; das kann man ihr jetzt schon ansehen.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
If there were any bugs in the program, or any errors in the exercises, or if you have any other comment, you should inform the course co-ordinator:
Dr K.F. Hilliard
St. Peter's College
The easiest way to communicate with him is by e-mail:
Put in your last name and password to see how you have done.