This tests your knowledge of the German cases. You might feel that you should try the test without using a dictionary.
Read the sentence or passage and identify the cases of the nouns or pronouns listed.
Bildung vermittelt unser kulturelles und geschichtliches Erbe. Sie soll den Menschen befähigen, seinen beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben in der Familie und der Gemeinschaft gerecht zu werden, damit er seine Erfüllung und sein Lebensglück findet.
Read the sentence or passage and identify the cases of the nouns or pronouns listed.
Bildung muß die Bereitschaft zu Menschlichkeit, Toleranz und Leistung wecken. Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildungspolitik bedeutet, nicht jedem den gleichen, sondern jedem seinen Weg zu eröffnen.
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
d__ / rund / Teller (singular!)
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Apposition (see Hammer, 3rd ed., 2.6) Fit the bracketed words into the sentence, making sure that they are in the right case and have the right endings. Type in only the relevant (i.e. the bracketed) words in the box provided. 'd__' indicates the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: 'Ramler, zu seiner Zeit (e__) (gefeiert) Dichter, ist heute nahezu vergessen.' Answer: 'ein gefeierter'
Ihm, (d__) (führend) (Experte) auf diesem Gebiet, konnte man nichts vormachen.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Read the sentence or passage and identify the cases of the nouns or pronouns listed.
Gegenwart und Zukunft sind ohne unser kulturelles und geschichtliches Erbe nicht zu meistern. Wir bewahren, was sich bewährt hat, und verändern, was verbessert werden kann.
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
d__ / fettarm__ / Milch
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
renoviert / Bauernmöbel
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
frisch / Salat
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
deutsch / Erstausgaben
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
e__ / frei / Grundstück
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
e__ / hausgemacht / Leberwurst
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Read the sentence or passage and identify the cases of the nouns or pronouns listed.
Die Kenntnis der Geschichte [1] läßt uns [1] Chancen und Grenzen menschlichen Handelns in der Gegenwart begreifen und schützt vor den Gefahren totalitärer Heilslehren. Verständnis für unsere Geschichte [2] stärkt Verantwortungsbereitschaft und Toleranz. Für uns [2] hat deshalb der Geschichtsunterricht in den Schulen besondere Bedeutung.
Geschichte [1]
uns [1]
Geschichte [2]
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
e__ / neu__ / Auto
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Form a sentence in the present tense from the following words and add the appropriate endings (where necessary). Write out the whole sentence. Remember to include punctuation!
Albert Camus, / d__ bekannt__ Schriftsteller, / scheinen / als / jung__ / Mann auch / ein__ / gut__ / Fußballer gewesen zu sein.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Form a sentence in the past or present tense from the following words and add the appropriate endings (where necessary). Write out the whole sentence. Remember to include punctuation!
Jakob / d__ / Sechst__ / von Schottland, / d__ / Sohn / Maria Stuart__, / heißen / als / englisch__ / König__ / Jakob__ / d__ / Erst__ .
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Apposition (see Hammer, 3rd ed., 2.6) Fit the bracketed words into the sentence, making sure that they are in the right case and have the right endings. Type in only the relevant (i.e. the bracketed) words in the box provided. 'd__' indicates the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: 'Ramler, zu seiner Zeit (e__) (gefeiert) Dichter, ist heute nahezu vergessen.' Answer: 'ein gefeierter'
An die Amtszeit Reagans, (d__) (ehemalig) (Präsident), erinnern sich viele noch mit Wut und Beschämung.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Apposition (see Hammer, 3rd ed., 2.6) Fit the bracketed words into the sentence, making sure that they are in the right case and have the right endings. Type in only the relevant (i.e. the bracketed) words in the box provided. 'd__' indicates the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: 'Ramler, zu seiner Zeit (e__) (gefeiert) Dichter, ist heute nahezu vergessen.' Answer: 'ein gefeierter'
Ihm als (d__) (zukünftig) (Landesfürst) mußte man Respekt bezeigen.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Form a sentence in the present tense from the following words and add the appropriate endings (where necessary). Write out the whole sentence. Remember to include punctuation!
Du / sein / ein__ / talentiert__ / Musiker.
Apposition (see Hammer, 3rd ed., 2.6) Fit the bracketed words into the sentence, making sure that they are in the right case and have the right endings. Type in only the relevant (i.e. the bracketed) words in the box provided. 'd__' indicates the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: 'Ramler, zu seiner Zeit (e__) (gefeiert) Dichter, ist heute nahezu vergessen.' Answer: 'ein gefeierter'
Einem Mann wie (er) macht so etwas überhaupt nichts aus.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Form a sentence in the past or present tense from the following words and add the appropriate endings (where necessary). Write out the whole sentence. Remember to include punctuation!
Bonaparte / werden / 1799 / Erst__ / Konsul / d__ / französisch__ / Republik, 1804 / als / Napoleon / d__ / Erst__ / französisch__ / Kaiser.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
e__ / maßgeschneidert__ / Anzug (= tailor-made)
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Read the sentence or passage and identify the cases of the nouns or pronouns listed.
Bildung soll insbesondere unsere Jugend darauf vorbereiten, als mündige Bürger in der demokratischen Gesellschaft frei und verantwortlich zu handeln sowie zur Lösung humaner und sozialer Probleme beizutragen.
Use the words provided to make a direct object for a complete sentence beginning with 'ich verkaufe'. 'd__' represents the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. (If neither is indicated, the sentence is to be completed without an article!) You need not type in 'ich verkaufe': this can be taken as read. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: The words provided are 'd__ / tschechisch / Bier'. Mentally, you compose the following sentence: 'Ich verkaufe das tschechische Bier'. When you type in your answer, you can omit 'ich verkaufe', and write only 'das tschechische Bier'.
d__ / alt / Volkswagen
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Form a sentence in the present tense from the following words and add the appropriate endings (where necessary). Write out the whole sentence. Remember to include punctuation!
Klara / sein / und / bleiben / d__ / Best__ / in / d__ / Klasse.
Apposition (see Hammer, 3rd ed., 2.6) Fit the bracketed words into the sentence, making sure that they are in the right case and have the right endings. Type in only the relevant (i.e. the bracketed) words in the box provided. 'd__' indicates the definite, 'e__' the indefinite article. YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS!
Example: 'Ramler, zu seiner Zeit (e__) (gefeiert) Dichter, ist heute nahezu vergessen.' Answer: 'ein gefeierter'
Sie als (gut) (Geschäftsfrau) hatte diese Kosten schon einkalkuliert.
How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154
Before attempting the exercises again, you might wish to consult the relevant section of the grammar:
Martin Durrell,
Hammer's German Grammar and Usage
, 3rd ed. (London: Arnold, 1966), ch. 2.
If there were any bugs in the program, or any errors in the exercises, or if you have any other comment, you should inform the course co-ordinator:
Dr K.F. Hilliard
St. Peter's College
The easiest way to communicate with him is by e-mail:
Put in your last name and password to see how you have done.