
This tests your knowledge of adjective declensions. See Hammer's German Grammar and Usage, 3rd ed., ch. 6!

Note that in the following questions, the term 'adjective' includes 'adjectives used as nouns'.

  • 1
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Neigung: inclination

    Allzu stark__ Neigungen können gefährlich werden.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 2
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Allzu starke Neigungen können jung__ Menschen gefährlich werden.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 3
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Mir wäre ein alt__ Ofen lieber.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 4
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Mir wäre ein alter Ofen lieber als der neu__.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 5
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Auf Papier lassen sich schöner__ Bilder malen.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 6
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Auf blau__ Papier lassen sich schönere Bilder malen.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 7
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Beim Anblick galoppierend__ Pferde erinnerten sie sich ihrer Kindheit in den Steppen Asiens.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 8
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Beim Anblick galoppierender Pferde erinnerten sie sich ihrer frühest__ Kindheit in den Steppen Asiens.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 9
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Beim Anblick galoppierender Pferde erinnerten sie sich ihrer frühesten Kindheit in den endlos__ Steppen Asiens.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 10
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Mancher heutzutage meint, es sei kein groß__ Schritt mehr, wenn man von zuhause wegzieht.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 11
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Mancher Jünger__ heutzutage meint, es sei kein großer Schritt mehr, wenn man von zuhause wegzieht.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 12
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Ein Satz, wo es nichts Schwierig__ zu übersetzen gibt, kommt für meine Sprachtests nicht in Frage.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 13
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Ein deutsch__ Satz, wo es nichts Schwieriges zu übersetzen gibt, kommt für meine Sprachtests nicht in Frage.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 14
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Ein deutscher Satz, wo es nichts Schwieriges zu übersetzen gibt, kommt für meine hoffentlich etwas anspruchsvoller__ Sprachtests nicht in Frage.

    anspruchsvoll: challenging, demanding

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 15
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Der Stadtplanung ist viel Wertvoll__ zum Opfer gefallen.

    zum Opfer fallen: to be destroyed by

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 16
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Der modern__ Stadtplanung ist viel Wertvolles zum Opfer gefallen.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 17
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Der modernen Stadtplanung der fünfzig__ Jahre ist viel Wertvolles zum Opfer gefallen.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 18
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Manches Einzigartig__ ist dabei zerstört worden.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 19
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Wenig, was auch gut wäre, ist an die Stelle des Alt__ getreten.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 20
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Wenig Neu__, was auch gut wäre, ist an die Stelle des Alten getreten.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 21
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Wir wünschen euch alles Gut__.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 22
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Wir wünschen euch alles Gute zum neu__ Jahr.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 23
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Wir wünschen euch alles Gute zum neuen Jahr, und über die Ferien erholsam__ Urlaubstage.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 24
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Solche Gespräche hatten für sie einiges Unangenehm__.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 25
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Solche Gespräche hatten für sie etwas Unangenehm__.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 26
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Alle solch__ Gespräche hatten für sie etwas Unangenehmes.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 27
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Einige besonders peinlich__ Unterredungen blieben ihr lange im Gedächtnis haften.

    peinlich: painful, embarrassing Unterredung: conversation, interview im Gedächtnis haften bleiben: to stick in one's memory

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 28
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Dabei kamen etliche längst vergangen__ Dinge zur Sprache.

    zur Sprache kommen: to be raised in discussion

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 29
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Und auch einiges für sie nicht besonders Schmeichelhaft__.

    schmeichelhaft: flattering

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 30
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Ihr, seiner Vorgesetzt__, solche Dinge ins Gesicht zu sagen!

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 31
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Er hatte etwas typisch Arrogant__ an sich.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 32
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Und zwar war es die Arroganz des Beamt__.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 33
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Und zwar war es die Arroganz des Beamten, eines männlich__ Beamten.

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 34
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Und zwar war es die Arroganz des Beamten, eines männlichen Beamten, dem alles Weiblich__ ein Greuel war.

    Greuel: abomination

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

  • 35
  • Type in the correct form of the adjective! You do not have to write out the whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST ENCLOSE YOUR ANSWER IN SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS.

    Und mit diesem Unbelehrbar__ sollte sie kollegial zusammenarbeiten?

    unbelehrbar: impossible to teach

    How to get German characters (if needed): 1. Check that ‘NumLock’ is on (see the indicator at the top right hand of the keyboard). If necessary, switch ‘NumLock’ on by pressing the relevant key on the number keypad at the right of the keyboard. 2. Hold down the Alt-key (to the left of the spacebar) and type the appropriate combinations on the number keypad (i.e. the numbers at the far right of the keyboard, not the numbers along the top row of the main keypad). ä = 132 ö = 148 ü = 129 ß = 225 Ä = 142 Ö = 153 Ü = 154

    If there were any bugs in the program, or any errors in the exercises, or if you have any other comment, you should inform the course co-ordinator:

    Dr K.F. Hilliard
    St. Peter's College

    The easiest way to communicate with him is by e-mail:

    Put in your last name and password to see how you have done.